Programming Project for Eclipse
A convenience store sells T-shirt, potato chips, and Coke. The list prices are: $18.95 for T-shirt,
$1.79 for a bag of potato chips, and $2.99 for a 12-pack Coke ($1.20 deposit as well). All merchandise
except Coke is on sale with 15% off the list price. T-shirt is also charged a 6% Michigan sales tax.
A customer shops at the store to buy these items. Write a Java program to simulate the shopping
process — interact with the custom and prints a receipt.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class a {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//TODO Audto-generated method stub
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
double shirts = 18.95;
int numOfShirts;
int numOfChips;
int numOfCoke;
double cokeTotal;
double chips = 1.79;
double coke = 2.99;
double subTotal;
double deposit = 1.20;
double preTotal;
double MItax = 0.06;
double totalTax;
double total;
double payment;
String name;
//Prompt for the name
System.out.print("What's your name?");
name = keyboard.nextLine();
System.out.println("Welcome to Denny's Market" + name + "! We have the following items for sale:\n");
System.out.println("T-shirt $ " + shirts + " 15% off");
System.out.println("Chips $ " + chips + " 15% off");
System.out.println("Coke $ " + coke + "\n");
//Prompt for number of the shirts
System.out.println("How many T-shirts do you want?");
numOfShirts = keyboard.nextInt();
System.out.println("How many bags of chips would you like?");
numOfChips = keyboard.nextInt();
System.out.println("What about 12-pack Coke?");
numOfCoke = keyboard.nextInt();
//Calculations for the program
cokeTotal = (numOfCoke * deposit) + (numOfCoke * coke);
subTotal = (((shirts * numOfShirts) + (chips * numOfChips) + (coke * numOfCoke) + (deposit * numOfCoke)));
total = (numOfShirts * shirts) *.85 + (numOfChips * chips) *.85 + cokeTotal;
preTotal = (numOfShirts *shirts) + (numOfChips * chips) + cokeTotal;
totalTax = total * MItax;
total = total + totalTax;
System.out.println("Your total is: $" + total);
System.out.println("Please enter your payment:");
payment = keyboard.nextDouble();
System.out.println(name + ", here is your receipt:");
System.out.println("\tItem \tUnit Price \tHow Many \tCost" + "\t");
System.out.println("\tT-shirt" + "\t" + shirts + "\t" + numOfShirts + "\t" + (shirts * numOfShirts));
System.out.println("\tChips" + "\t" + chips + "\t" + numOfChips + "\t" + (chips * numOfChips));
System.out.println("\tCoke" + "\t" + coke + "\t" + numOfCoke + "\t" + (coke * numOfCoke));
System.out.println("\tDeposit" + "\t\t" + "\t" + + (deposit * numOfCoke));
System.out.println("\tSubtotal" + "\t\t" + + subTotal);
System.out.println("\tDiscount" + "\t\t" + "-" + (preTotal-total));
System.out.println("\tTax" + "\t\t" + "\t" + + totalTax);
System.out.println("\t" + "\t\t" + "\t" + "---------\n");
System.out.println("\tTotal" + "\t\t" + "\t" + + total + "\n");
System.out.println("\tPayment" + "\t\t" + "\t" + + payment);
//Doing the change
System.out.println("\tYourChange"+ "\t\t" + + ((payment - total)) + "\n");
System.out.println("Than you. Come Again!");
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